Tuesday, July 29, 2008

The Darker the (K)night...

So I went to see The Dark Knight and I loved it! One of the guys from work commented that it dragged, due to subplots, but I don't agree with that. I loved the sub-plots, because they helped to build the story. The other thing Will said was that Batman (Christian Bale) has a lisp. I found myself watching his mouth every time he spoke! LOL

The action scenes were great, but I have to say that I loved how Heath Ledger played The Joker's character. The movie allows you to really get inside his demented head. I love that you get enough background to know WHY the characters are making the choices they make. Again, to me, this makes the length of the movie ok, because rather than dragging you're taken on an emotional ride. That's my take, anyway.

The only other thing I'll say is that at times I wanted to laugh at the way Batman changed his voice so that people wouldn't figure out that he's Batman. There were a few times it was really funny. I would have LOVED to have seen this movie with Drew. I would also love to hear Joel McHale's (The Soup)comments, but I think the only way that will happen is if G4 mentions it during The Feed.

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